Friday, January 17, 2020

The Snowy Day

Snowflake Art!

We took several days to 
complete our Snowman Glyphs.
 We discovered that we have 
winter things we like in common.

Our snowman science project!

Creating our snowmen.

Upon creation

End of the day.

The next morning.

Our literacy snowman is
 growing. Lots of good 
books are being read.

Some outdoor pictures!

The Snowy Day … we had a 
lot of fun this week with this
 Story. We will finish up on
 Monday before beginning 
The Mitten by Jan Brett.

We began our Snowy Day Art
 using shaving cream, glue,
 and glitter for the snow. 
We will add Peter to the Art on Monday.

Outcomes we worked on.

We have been learning how
 to read together. Sitting 
side by side, place the book
 in between both people.
 Seesaw reading where one
 person reads the other listens 
then switch. Discussing/sharing 
a wow page. Adding a pinch of
 you if the page reminds you of 
something that you did or saw
 you tell the other person about it.
We have been reading our guided 
readers in class individually using 
the microphone, partner reading,
 group reading,  and reading with 
our book buddies.

Clipboard cruising … looking for
 words from the book The Snowy Day.

Working on our Snowy Day books.

Color and label Pete.

Draw something Pete did outside. 
Draw something you like to do 
outside on a snowy day.

Some learning centre pictures.

Nolan and Landon came 
running over to show me 
what they discovered. 
By using a semi circle and 
three triangular shaped blocks 
they created a complete circle. 
The excitement!!!

The dental hygienist was in
 to discuss taking care of 
your teeth. Showed a dental video 
and left everyone a toothbrush and a sticker.

After discussing shapes and 
learning about the Inuksuk we
 worked together to create a
 couple  of Inuksuks in class.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...