Ms. Dyment's grade two class invited the kindergarten to a puppet show and play.
They really enjoyed the activities. Thank you the performers were awesome!
Flat Cade arrived back with a letter, some pictures, a car and some stickers.
The excitement!
The children really enjoyed the art work job.
Making their own hot air balloons.
Ramsay is concentrating hard to peel this sticker paper to
put on his hot air balloon.
The finished product!
Abi and Jenay are exploring the lego.
Great for fine motor!
Mr. MacDonald really enjoys reading to the children.
He uses great voice when reading for Move Over Rover!
Our science work job. List some things a plant needs to grow.
Plant some seeds - wait and see what will happen.
April Grady was our mystery reader. She has totally captured the attention of
the students.
911 Quack - look at the book and put the pages in sequence.
Sentence strip activity. Find the words and make the sentences.
The children were paired up and asked to find items in the class
that were tall, almost the same and shorter!
Helping each other work on the computers.
Will and Zander decided that they could fit on one chair to complete their work job!
Khloe and Zoey are working together to create a letter for their friend Zander.
Drawing maps continues to be a popular activity at learning centre time.
The children worked very hard on making their own cover for a book.
After hearing the story The Three Little Rigs.
The Three Little _________ and The ____________.