Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 20 - 24 ~~~~~ Naional Child Day,Mrs. Wishy-Washy, and our 50th Day of School

We celebrated National Child Day on Monday, November 29th.  We made crowns and had a march throughout the school, stopping in on a few classes to spread the word.

This week was all about one of my favorite characters Mrs. Wishy- Washy!  We created our own version of Mrs. Wishy- Washy.  They sure are cute!

Draw a word out of the container.  Find it on your Mrs. Wishy - Washy sheet and use a bingo dauber to mark the word.

Help Mrs. Wishy- Washy get to her tub be careful not to go across any lines on the maze.  Then follow the path to get the animals to the tub.

We acted out the story of Mrs. Wishy -Washy.  We had to do the story three times to ensure everyone had a turn.  Lots of interesting voices and laughter during this activity!

I introduced the card game 7-Up.  We had lots of fun playing.  This is a fun way to learn numbers and number order.

Sequence the story of Mrs. Wishy -Washy and then tell the story using the pictures to your work group.

Concept of spoken word each time you say a word in the sentence push up a chip on the overhead projector.  This is a difficult concept for some children to grasp, as they will push up a chip for each syllable. Ex hockey  they may say hoc … push up a chip key and push up another chip.  

Part Part whole with the number 10.  I had 10 chips white one side and black on the other.  We found lots of different combinations for 10.

Friday was Jersey Day.  Here is a fine looking bunch of people wearing Jersey’s. The names of each student wearing a jersey in each class went into a draw.  Grace’s name was drawn in our class and Clairabella’s  name was drawn in Mrs. McCarthy’s class. They each received a box of smarties.

Friday was our 50th Day of School.  We asked Mrs. McCarthy if we could bring some 50th Day activities to her class and celebrate.  The students had a great time. They each decorated 50th Day Certificates, were given 50th Day Medals, and had a color, count and print the number of different items on the number 50.

We continued celebrating after lunch with a 50th Board Game.  Lots of fun!  Thank you Mrs. McCarthy for letting us come down and celebrate.

I enlarged our Choice board with an additional 5 choices for learning centre time.  7- Up, the light table, Ants in Pants, and a small hockey game on the top of the sand box.  Lots of excitement!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 14 - 16 Finishing up Chicka Chicka BoomBoom

  • We celebrated World Kindness Day by doing kind things for our friends.  We were able to catch each student acting kind!  Kindness Certificates were given to each student!

  • Painting the palm branches for our Chicka Boom Tree craft.

  • Making our trees.  Each child found the letters for their name and added their name  on their own chicka boom tree.

Our hallway Chicka Boom display!

  • Who says learning isn’t fun look at the curriculum outcomes we covered with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

  • The final activity with the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom theme.  I arrived as the Chicka Boom Tree all the children were given letters and had to attach them to the tree as they were called out.  Lots of fun!!!

  • Roll the dice, color that number on your tree.

  • The Chicka boom story has some describing letters in the story. Choose your favorite and decorate. Ex; patched up f, black-eyed P.

  • Trace the letters with washable markers.

  • Working with 5 frames. Turn taking one student rolls the dice with numbers 1-5.  The other person puts that many bears on the 5 frame then switch.

Some learning centre pictures

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 6-10 Week one of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Nevaeh turned five years old.  Happy 5th Birthday Nevaeh!

Concept of spoken word.  The children placed the sentence strips in the chart and took turns reading the sentences pointing to each word as they read.

Chicka Chicka Board Game the children really enjoy this type of work job.  I had a turn with each group.  Lots of counting and laughing as I usually lost the game.

Matching the alphabet find the matching letter coconut and place on the tree!

Clipboard Cruising for some Chicka Chicka Boom Boom words or sight words!

Count the coconuts on one card and find the correct matching number on another card.

Draw a letter card from the container, find that letter on the tree and dab it with a bingo dauber!

Make the Chicka Boom Palm Tree puzzle!

Matching upper and lowercase letters!

The interactive hallway name letter number count.  The children may change this when they are out of the classroom for a drink or washroom break!

The children really enjoy the game concentration and if we finish up an activity early I set up two teams and they play.

Our Remembrance Day Art.  The children really enjoyed using the paint!

Individual pictures of Mrs. McCarthy’s class during learning centre time!

When both classes join together after big recess we start with a quiet time activity to get our bodies settled and ready for the afternoon.  Here they are enjoying a story from Tumblebooks.

We are enjoying turn and talk with our classmates.  Eye to eye, knee to knee, one person talks while the other person listens, then switch.  

Sunday, November 5, 2017

October 30 - Nov 2 --- Halloween and Reviewing

Cleaning the class pumpkin to create our Jack-O-Lantern.  All the class names were put into a container Nevaeh, was asked to draw a name out and Grace was the lucky winner!  She got to take the Jack-O-Lantern home!

Working with Geoboards.  Create the patterns that are on the cards or create your own design.  This is a wonderful fine motor activity!

Count the Halloween items on each card use a clothespin to clip on that number.

Stringing the alphabet letters.  Put on the letters you know and I went around and asked what the letters were on the string.

Rhyming pairs, put the pairs together and tell me the rhyming pairs.

Bottle cap animal puzzles.  Find the letters to spell the animals and then we will  say which animal it spells.

We had some awesome Halloween costumes!!!

Our Halloween party!!!  Halloween treats, bingo, freeze dance, pin the wart on the witch, balance the spider and dance with the witch!  Everyone had a wonderful time.  Special thank you to Nevaeh, Emily,Cohen, and Jayda for bring in treats for everyone!

I put out the sorting Halloween activity again this week.  Lots of different ways of sorting were discovered!

Halloween number sequence puzzle.

Alphabet fishing… tell the letters you fish.  If you know them you get to keep them if not ask your friends and put the unknown letters back in the fishing basket.

Some learning centre activities!

I was on outside duty so we went out 5 minutes early and got to use the other equipment until the other students came out.

Concept of spoken word.  Read the sentence, put the cut up sentence together, use your pointer power to touch each word as you read.

Kaden had his fifth birthday!!!  Happy Birthday Kaden!

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...