Number order ... Lily was asked to have her friends line up in order. We are also working on number formation. |
Some children are finding it challenging when drawing a picture to add the main parts. Here is Mat Man. The children were building Mat Man. |
Happy 5th Birthday Lily! |
Threading letters onto string. Fine motor and letter recognition together in a fun way. The children were asked to tell the letters that they put on their string. |
Assorted math and literacy activities; Ab patterns, counting apples, and rhyming apples. Each child had an opportunity to try each activity. |
Art Activity - create you own fall tree. Once again having the children use their fine motor muscles as they added tissue paper for leaves onto the tree outline! |
Our finished fall tree! |
Using our sight words introduced so far, the children chose a word - read it, build it and finally printed the word. |
Choosing facial details for our pumpkins! A big decision! |
Our finished pumpkins! Thank you to Evan's grandmother for sending the pumpkins into the class! |