Sunday, October 27, 2019

October 21 - 25 ~~~~ Halloween

The children decorate the 
display table for Halloween.

Halloween Tic Tac Toe.  
Thanks McKinley for sending
 in the game with two games
 it became a work job!

Creating Halloween witches.  
Each one has their own personality!

Our Wall of Art ~ Halloween witches!

Sorting/ counting & creating patterns 
using Halloween items.

Roll the dice, build a tower
 and place on the number you rolled.

Ted Johnson our Math Consultant 
was in to see the fun learning math 
activities that are occurring in kindergarten.
 The children chose a partner, received
 a dice with the numbers 1-5
 ( I covered the 6)  they had a five
 frame and 5 counting bears. One child
 rolled the dice the other placed that 
number of bears on the five frame and
 then they switched jobs.

We took some time to see how 
we could build different things 
with the blocks.  Every student
 received some blocks and were
 asked to build something.  The
 structures took on a whole new look.

Then the children had the
 opportunity to team up with 
some friends to see what they
 could create together. 
 The structures were awesome!

McKinley is having some 
fun reading our Halloween poem.

On Fabulous Friday the 
children sit wherever they wish… 
on the mat and for snack.  
They enjoy this change.

Some learning centre pictures.

Some day 3’s when I do not 
have duty I give the children
 the opportunity to have a break 
from the lunchroom and eat in our
 class.  The children really enjoyed
 watching Franklin’s Halloween while
 enjoying their lunch on Friday.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

October 7 - 15

Avery celebrated her 5th birthday.  
Happy Birthday Avery!

Initial Sounds… cut the pictures apart
 and glue the pictures under the correct
 sound S. L, T, or P.  There was lots
 of assistance with this work job.

Count the dots on the dominoes,
 glue the correct number on each
 of the dominoes.

Rhyming apples.  Match the 
apples that rhyme. Say the 
rhyming words. The apples 
are coded for self correction.

I See Apples… the children
 colored the book. Read it
 together with me and took
 the book home to read. 
 I had some very proud readers!

Our Wall of Art stained glass apples.

Thanksgiving … We had Tommy,
 Terry, and Taylor turkey.  
Each day Tommy turkey was 
hiding and the children had 
to find him.  Lots of fun!

Creating our Thanksgiving Turkeys.

Our Thanksgiving Turkey Hall Display!

Listen and draw a turkey.  
They look awesome!

Pin the wattle on the turkey.
Lots of laughs during this game.

Some learning centre pictures.

Levi celebrated his 5th birthday.
Happy birthday Levi!  Thank you,
Mrs. Arsenault for taking and sending 
me the picture.

We have a new student in our class. 
 Tuesday, October 15th was Amber’s first day!
Thank you to Mrs. Arsenault for taking and sending 
me the picture.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

September 30 - October 4th ~~~ Apples

Susan, a lovely lady donated 
some mittens to our class.  
The children were happy to 
wear them on Thursday as 
it was very cold. The children 
Are outside most days please
dress for outdoors.

Mmmm, Mmmmm Good!  The children 
turned over a number leaf and 
whatever number was on they placed
 that many worms on the apple.

How many apples can you place
 on your apple.  You pick up one 
apple at a time using a spoon, 
popsicle sticks as chopsticks or
 a clothespin. You cannot touch 
the pom pom apples with your fingers.

Rhyming Apples … find the two
 apples that rhyme for each basket. 
 They are coded on the back for self 
checking. Say the rhyming words.

Initial Sounds …. Match the top 
and bottom of the apples. Once
 again they are coded on the back
 for self correction.  Say the two 
items that begin with the same sound.

Orange shirt day … every child counts!

After reading the stories
 5 Apples on Top and 10 Apples
 on Top we had some fun to see
 who could balance an apple on their heads.

More on AB patterns.  
Raye is arranging the
 pattern.Great job Raye!

Our grade 4 book buddies are
 helping with chrome books. It
 was the first time the kindergarten
 children seen a chrome book. 
 The sites that we use in 
kindergarten are:, ABCYA, 
and PBS.

Working on apple art.  
The children decided 
which color of a stained 
glass apple they would like
 to create. First they used 
markers on a coffee filter,
 sprayed it with water and 
the colors ran. They cut our
 apple frames and put the 
stained glass art in the center
and glued the apple frames together.
  I will take a picture of our art
 wall next week.

Indoor recess I set up
 three areas with activities
… wikki sticks, magnetics and 
connecting straws!  All activities
 use fine motor muscles which need
 to be developed. Each child
had a turn at each activity.

Some learning centre pictures!

Our classroom is a community 
where everyone helps to keep
 it clean and tidy. Landon is 
doing a great job of sweeping
 up the playdough.

Our first student of the month
Kynlee Servos.  Keep up the
 awesome work Kynlee!

“Power of Positivity”  If I see
 a student doing something 
kind/special for someone else
 I send that student’s name to 
the office. At each assembly 5
 or 6 names are drawn and the
 student is recognized and is able
 to go see Ms. Gogan for a prize.
  Many students names may be
 entered and the names that did 
not get drawn remain in the box for another
 opportunity to be drawn.  
McKinley’s name was drawn this assembly. 
 McKinley always offers to help some
 other students zipper their coats.

Playdough … many children are using 
the playdough each day and I noticed
 it needs to be replaced more often. 
 I told the children I would make some
 this week-end.  They had a few requests
 for colors. If you are able to make 
to make a batch of playdough or buy 
a few jars we sure would appreciate it.
  Thank you.  Just send it in and I will put
 it out when new is needed.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...