Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 20 - 24

The children created their own scrapbook page!

Our literacy snowman outgrew our space !  It is wonderful to see the interest and support for our literacy project!

Cheryl Turner, Literacy Coach has captured the children's attention as she reads a story!  The children throughly enjoyed having Mrs. Turner in they were so excited to learn more about bookmaking, you will see their books at next parent teacher interviews.

Build your snowman ... first lay the snowman's body on the floor, roll a dice to see which part you add.  Record on your own snowman the parts you add!

Step one of building our ice snowmen.  Remove the balloons.  This was more difficult than it looked. There was lots of cooperation going on!

We used some salt to fuse the two ice balls together and they added felt for the features and yarn for a scarf!

Our finished snowmen!

I like to ............... outside on a snowy day!

Using mini marshmallows and spaghetti sticks we created some awesome creations!

Our Kaboom can of sight words - draw a stick out of the can if you know the sight word put it back in with the sight word sticking out of the can!

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...