Finishing up the Hungry
Caterpillar work jobs!
Roll the dice with different
colored ladybugs which color will race to the top of the recording sheet?
Clipboard cruising for insect
related words.
What is an insect? Color your own insect fact book.
Insects eat… Insects can …
Insects have… My favorite insect…
Our new song Rig-A Jig- Jig was
a hit. Ask your child about the song.
Number Bingo!
Our new classmate
Connolly! Welcome to our class!
Some Lego creations!
Block building!
The water table!
Puzzle making!
Chromebooks … We will try to
use them on Friday mornings!
Each Friday the students read
their guided readers to the class. This is Connolly’s first reading as today
was his first full day.