Carleigh Profitt was our Star of the Week last week! Congratulations Carleigh!
Our “Star with a Heart” projects are all in except for two. Each heart is unique and lovely!
Kaitlynn Powers turned 6 years old. Happy Birthday Kaitlynn!
Decorate the mittens with the playdough. Spell the story characters as well.
Using the letter tiles to spell some words from the Jan Brett stories. The Mitten and The Hat
Help Nikki get to his mitten. Then roll to see which character will race to the finish!
Creating our own The Mitten story. Decorate, cut it out and lace your mitten. Then color and cut out the characters to go in the mitten.
Draw a line to the shadow of each animal.
Making our own Groundhog and tunnel. Sing the song and pop up the groundhog. If he/she sees his/her shadow down he’ll go!
We invited grade 1,2,and 3 to predict if the groundhog will see his shadow |
See how many cars, shells,Lego, cubes and blocks will fit into your mitten.
The Mitten - Draw what happened in the beginning of the story, the middle and the end. Then draw your favorite part of the story.
The students decorated our class for Valentine’s Day!
Alex worked really hard while building this magnificent block building! Great building Alex!
Our finished Valentine Card mailboxes!
Heading to the buses after working here at school all day! We are all dressed toasty warm!