Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wear Pink Stop Bullying, 100th Day of School, 3D Fun! We will continue learning with 3D Shapes!

Wear Pink … STOP Bullying!!!

Turn and Talk!

KB joined us for inside recess!

It’s all about our 100th Day of School!

Xander counting out 100
popsicle sticks for his 100 items!

Lots of neat 100 items
for our 100th Day Display!

Making our 100th Day Crowns!

Lots of fun finding and
doing our 100 exercises
for our 100th Day of school.

I sure hope I look as good
as the 100th day pictures
when I am 100 years old!

Friends sharing the computers!

I thought we had a
new student in our class!

Getting organized for our
Robot building day,  The
children sorted and organized
the materials.

3D Shapes reach in the
container, describe the
item and print its name.

Shapes that look like
our 3D Shapes.  The ice
cream cone goes with the
cone shape.

Build and draw using 3D Shapes!

Will it roll, slide or stack?
Try and record your findings.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...