Monday, April 22, 2019

April 14 - 17 ~~~~ Easter

Color the Easter egg by color code.

How many carrots tall and wide
is the bunny?

Choose an egg open it up and record
the sight word in the egg. Color
the eggs.

Bunny towers, build a tower. Roll the dice
remove that color of a bunny without
letting the tower fall.

Each school has received a Maker Cart.
I took the training on what is on the
Cart and how to use the materials.
In the afternoon we let the children
enjoy experimenting with three of the
items.  First one just plain Lego where
The children are encouraged to use their
creative imagination to build. Since it was
the first day of trout fishing I suggested
they build a bridge.

Cardboard maker.  There are plastic saws,
screwdrivers, screws and hole punches. The
children cut apart cardboard and design things.
The children really liked this item a lot!

Plain wooden blocks to build the bridges
build were quite interesting.

Mrs. Gard our guidance counsellor was in
to read a story about bullying to the class.

Putting the finishing touches on your Easter
Cards.  I think they turned out really nice!

The children made their own bunnies. Each face
was unique!

The children are decorating cups for their Easter

The fun of searching for their hidden Easter baskets.
I love the expressions of joy on their faces.

A tisket a tasket a little Easter basket . Xxxx took
An egg and  his way he dropped it.  If it was dropped
by you , open the egg and tell us the sight word.

The table is ready for our Easter snack.

The best part of bringing in treats is getting to
pass them out to your friends!

Primrose’s celebrated her 6th birthday. Happy
Birthday Primrose!

A great looking bunch of bunnies!

April 22nd is Earth day, we read a couple of Earth Day
books, discussed how we could all help the earth.
Did a seek and find Earth Day sheet.

Sorting items by beginning sounds.

Some learning centre pictures!

This block centre creation has lots of detail.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...