Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 17 - 21 Pirates. Fire Dept, Police Officer and the Movies

The children had a great time
decorating with my pirate
theme items.

Painting the pirate ship
in the hallway.

The finished ship with some
fine looking pirates aboard.

I just did the first and last
names for our pirate names.  
Share your pirate name with
your family.  Some pirate talk!!!

We had fun with this
pirate activity.

This work job consisted of
seeing how many treasures
you could get in your pirate
ship before it sank.

Dig in the treasure chest
for the sight words hidden
on the gold coins.  Record
the words.  If you have
time draw a pirate ship on
the back of your sheet.

Pirate board game.

 Count the items and place a
button on the correct number
on the bottom of the card.  
Continue the pirate pattern.

During learning centre time
the children are having lots
of fun with the pirate items.

Our visit to the Fire Dept.  
Thank you to Fire Chief Jason
Woodbury. The children enjoyed
the visit.

Thank you to Sergeant Neil Logan
for coming to the school to talk
to the children on bike safety
and for showing everyone his police car.
The children were thrilled with the
finger puppet and fingerprint kit.

Now we all know you cannot
work on a pirate theme without
everyone walking the plank.  
Only a few fell into the ocean (mat)
and got eaten up the sharks!

The children enjoyed seeing Toy Story 4.
 Thank you so much for my volunteers:
Amanda, Linda, Jason, Lorri-Ann, Abby,
and Jannett. Your children were so looking
forward to you helping out..  When we got
back to the school I took out the Buzz Light Year
costume and Woody and Wendy… the children
could not believe I had them in the class.  :)

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...