Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 6-9 Getting into a Routine and The Kissing Hand

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star I wished for you and here you are. Our door sign.

First day of school pictures.

Creating our Chester the Raccoon headbands.

Getting used to a routine the work jobs this week consisted of playdough, stringing beads, and pattern blocks.

Outside at recess.

Some learning centre time activities.

After reading The Kissing Hand, Chester left us some clues to follow while touring the school.  In the end we were back in our classroom with some chocolate kisses waiting for the children.

Working with the pattern blocks

The playdough work job.

The stringing bead work job.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...