Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 3- 6 ~~~~ Our First Week of Our Easter Theme

Brooklynn Doucette was our Star of the Week!  Congratulations Brooklynn!

We have been discussing families.  They come in all different sizes and are made up of different people.The children identified and described who belongs in their families and earlier we had discussed family traditions when you sent in your family tradition posters.  This is part of our Family Social Studies Curriculum.
2.1 identify and describe their family and 2.2 recognize that families have varied traditions, rituals and celebrations.

Count the eggs in the bag. Record the number and decorate the eggs.

Count how many of each egg pattern you find. Record the number and decorate the eggs.

Connect the letters to create an Easter picture.  Color your picture.

Color the Easter egg by code.

Storm Basketball players were here on Wednesday.  We made some posters to cheer on the team.  Michael Cameron’s name was drawn to play against the Storm team.  He was very excited he said  “I have some good moves”.

Mrs. Dickieson was back and we had lots of fun learning about partner reading, and discussing “wow” pages in books.

The children were given sticky notes and each read a book to a partner and put some stickers in the pages they identified as “wow” pages

Mrs. Dickeson also brought a letter addressed to me.  It was from Reader Man. We had sent him thank you notes for all the materials he sent with Mrs. Dickieson to make our Pointer power pointers.

Inside the letter were thank you notes to all the students for using their reading powers.  Here is Nevaeh K. with her thank you note!

Some learning centre activities.  I took a bird’s eye view of the the structure Patrick had build using the small blocks.

Michael worked really hard building with the blocks.  

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...