Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 10 - 13 More on Apples

World Smile Day was a success!  We succeeded in putting smiles  on the people we met in the hallways!  

Our World Smile Day Display!!!  Just one look at the smiles and I smile!

After reading the story Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss.  We all tried to see how many apples we could balance on our head!  It is more difficult than the book portrays!!

Seeing who recognizes the numbers and number concepts in a fun way.  Turn a number over and add that many apples up on top!

Apple life cycle crowns!  

Beginning sounds, place the cards with the same sounds on the leaf. Ex t & tiger.

More on beginning sounds match the top of the apple to the bottom with a picture that begins with the same sound. Ex; mat & moon.

Making our own Way up High in The Apple Tree booklets. We have this story on a chart poem.

All of my morning students have had a turn to login and try the class computers!

Some learning centre time pictures!  We made flubber and the children really enjoyed using it at learning centre time.

And we are on the bus and ready to go to Arlington and Kool Breeze.  Special thank you to Jen, Ashley, Lorri-Ann, Heather, Robyn, Allison, and Kim for volunteering.  It sure made the day flow nicely.  Thank you for also helping with the grade one students.

Some pictures from our day.  Thank you Allison for sending me the photos that you took as well.  It was a beautiful day!

On the way back the children were looking a little tired!

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...