Way up high in the apple tree…
We were busy creating out Thanksgiving turkeys!
The finished turkeys!
Our Thanksgiving Wall of Art!
Each morning Tommy Turkey was hiding somewhere in the class. He is hiding behind a picture.
We discussed the different parts of the apple. The children are labeling the apple.
Color the apples on the tree your favorite color of apple. When you are finished you begin the Mmmmm Good Activity - you put a number on the leaf and add that many worms to the apple!
Connect the numbers from 1-10. It creates an apple!
Help the little girl get to the apples. Try to stay on the lines.
Ten Frame Apple activity. Count the apples in the ten frame. Find that number, that amount of seeds, and that amount of tally marks on the other apples.
More Mmmmm Good pictures.
On Tuesday, I had both classes for the whole day. Here are some pictures of the workjobs as the children were working!
Some learning centre fun!
Sorting objects into sounds, Cc, Kk, or Ee.
To make learning and remembering the sight words a little more fun we spend some time fishing the words.
Our students of the month: Jayda March and Emma Ramsay. Here they are with Mr. MacDonald, during our assembly. They will get to eat lunch with him on October 16th.