Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Gingerbread - December 11 - 15

I encourage the children to ask three before me here Emily is helping Nevaeh tuck her dress into a pair of gym pants I gave her to wear on concert day!

All students working on their Elf with their own pictures for the face!

The finished Elf ~ Wall of Art!!!

Some outdoor recess pictures, lots of fun in the snow!

The morning group working on some Christmas decorations!

Our hallway tree is looking quite festive!

Great way to enjoy math is with board games.  Three groups are working together with Gingerman Board games!

Creating our own Gingerbread story to take home. The envelope becomes the house and the storage place to take store all the characters in the story!

Ten frame work.  Using Christmas related items, look at the number on the ten frame and add that number of items!

Turn over a sight word, using a magnifying glass find the word on the picture and circle it !

The Gingerbread Family puzzle!

The Gingerbread felt story.  Put the story in sequence and then take turns telling the story!

The Gingerbread foam house working with you teammates put the house together.

Our science experiment.  We placed a small gingerbread man in a jar of water and predicted what would happen to him.

All lined up and read to go for the concert practice.

The Christmas Concert. The children did an amazing job!

Cohen and Caleb worked hard to create this masterpiece with the blocks!

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...