Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 22 - 26 ~~~ Fall and Halloween

Creating some Halloween Art. 
 Pumpkin people. Each student was
 given green, orange, yellow
 and brown construction paper. 
 I showed how to create accordion
 and rolled arms and legs.

Our finished Art Wall …
 I love the different personalities 
of each pumpkin person.

Beautiful fall leaves
 …. record the color of each leaf.

Lucy Loves Leaves - extend each leaf pattern.

After Dark - place the letter cards
 on the stars.  Take turns turning
 two cards over if they are 
matching upper and lowercase.
 You keep the cards and go again.

Fall Pasta - sort the pasta
 and also create some fall patterns.

Roll and Graph - which Halloween 
character will race to the top?

Fun with Halloween playdough mats,
 add details and create items 
on the Halloween mats.

Marble Art - Place a sheet of black
 construction paper in a box,
  drop some fall colors of paint 
on the paper. Put some marbles 
in the box and shake it to move
 the marbles through the paint.
  When dry add some bats and a moon.

Spectacular Moonlight Skies!

Very Busy Crows - learning to count on.

Word families … place the pictures
 on the mat try to figure out
 the beginning sound for each picture.

Our first real day actually using 
the chrome books.  Thank you to
 our grade 4 book buddies for helping.

Fabulous Friday snack time a 
wonderful time to socialize 
and sit where we want with our friends.

Writer’s Workshop - The children have 
been using the writing table since 
school begin. Today I introduced
 writers workshop.  We discussed always
 start with a capital letter,
 leave a space between each word
 ( introduced the spacers) and when 
finished put your punctuation mark.
  I showed a stem sentence - I like to
 play with _____. The children were
 able to see the spaces and they
 finished the sentence with the name 
of one friend. They drew the picture
 with detail and color. When finished I
 helped them decide if they followed 
the criteria.  They were able to self check 
and check off the boxes if they
 followed the criteria.

Learning centre time!

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...