Sunday, November 4, 2018

October 29 - November 2 ~~~~ Halloween

Halloween Concentration … turn over two 
cards if they match, keep the cards and go again.

Fruits and Vegetables - first sort
 the items on your mat.  Then using two 
sets of the cards play the matching game.

Halloween Clipboard cruising!

Sorting and making patterns using
many different Halloween items.

Tic, Tac, Toe - thank you
to Charlotte’s Mom for sending
in the game for the class.

Cleaning the class Jack-O- Lantern!

We put all the names in a container
and drew out one name. Paige was the
lucky winner. She won the the Jack-O-Lantern!

Outdoor recess!

Halloween morning the children
 arrived and went right to work
 in their Math Problem Notebooks!

After completing a math problem
 there was arts and crafts at the
 writing table each child could make
 a small and large Halloween art.

The Halloween treats sent in by:
 KaDee, Charlotte, and Jaxon! Very tasty and spooky!!!

The children passing out their treats.  
We are enjoying our morning snack. 
Someone asked if I could shut off 
the lights and just have the Jack-O- Lantern on.

Our Halloween Party… who’s behind the mask??

Spider on the Head relay race… lots of fun!

Dance with the Ghost. When the music
 stops find a new partner try not to
 dance with the ghost!

Catch the Flying Bat… my black stuffed bat.
 Call out a friends name and throw the bat 
to that person. He sure was flying!!!

The costumes were neat!

We ended the day with a short
 Halloween story on the LCD projector.

Whiteboards are used often in the class.
 First we do some letter and number
formation, print some sight words and
before putting them away I try to give
a few minutes of free choice. Sasha
drew her and I, Primrose and Jazlynn
started writing the list of open centres
as it was an indoor recess day. Other
children were drawing houses, friends, etc.

Our class book … The Big Book
of Names is used often by the
students. We invited Mr.
MacDonald up to the class and
the children took turns reading the pages.

Gavin was our first Student of the Month.
 Cameron was KB’s student of the month.
 Congratulations Gavin and Cameron!

Some learning centre pictures.

June 15 -22 Final Blog Post for this year

McKinley is having lots of fun adventures with her family! Deandra loves to be outside! She is celebrating her last  day of...