Paige celebrated her 5th birthday.
Happy Birthday Paige!
Our Remembrance Day Poppies. |
Clipboard cruising with words
from Mrs. Wishy Washy.
Putting the story in sequence
and retelling the story to our friends.
Help the animals and Mrs. Wishy
get home through the maze.
Do not cross any lines.
Mrs. Wishy Washy board game.
If you land on certain spots you
either go back a couple of spaces
or go ahead a couple a spaces.
We made Mrs. Wishy Washy
puppets using toilet paper rolls.
On Monday we will create Mr. Wishy Washy.
We had so much fun acting out
Mrs. Wishy Washy. To make
sure everyone had a turn we acted
out the story four times. Lots of
fun learning, the expressions were awesome.